French English

The organizing committee is expecting 4 invited long communications and 12-18 short communications (20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes discussion). The official languages of the Meeting are english, french, italian, spanish. Only paid-up members of the Mediterranean Section of the International Plato Society are allowed to submit abstracts. For more information, see: (Membership fees at the IPS-Mediterranean Section: 30 euros for 3 years [2013-2016]). The abstracts will be selected by an independent selection committee.


Word limit for abstracts: 500 words.

Submission deadline: 20th June 2015.

Please include in the abstract the name and the surname of the author, the institutional affiliation and the institutional position, the title of the paper.

Please submit abstracts as «.doc» or «.pdf» by email as an attachment to:

If you do not latinize but write Greek, please use «Unicode» Fonts.

Expected notifications of the results: end of July 2015




Invited speakers:

Luc Brisson (Villejuif, France)

Tomás Calvo Martínez (Madrid, Espagne)

Giovanni Casertano (Naples, Italy)

Mario Vegetti (Pavia, Italy) to be confirmed

Selection Committee:

Alberto Bernabé (Madrid, Spain)

Maria do Céu Fialho (Coimbra, Portugal)

Marie-Laurence Desclos (Grenoble, France)

Arnaud Macé (Besançon, France)

Mauro Tulli (Pisa, Italy)
Marie-Elise Zovko (Zagreb, Croatia)


Organizing Committee:

Alonso Tordesillas (Aix-Marseille, France)

Michele Corradi (Aix-Marseille, France)

Franco Ferrari (Salerno, Italy)

Francesco Fronterotta (Rome, Italy)

Scientific Committee:

Tomás Calvo Martínez (Madrid, Spain)

Maria do Céu Fialho (Coimbra, Portugal)

Francisco Lisi (Madrid, Spain)

António Martins (Coimbra, Portugal)

Maurizio Migliori (Macerata, Italy)
Samuel Scolnicov (Jerusalem, Israel) (†)